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使命:创造价值 服务社会; 愿景:成为全球智能线缆龙头企业; 核心价值观:以客户为核心、以奋斗贡献者为本、梦想激情、诚信务实、创新创优、自我批判、和灵共赢; 三个结合:坚持极致产品和服务结合、国内和国际市场结合、硬实力和软实力结合; 五个导向:客户导向、制度导向、目标导向、问题导向、绩效导向; 四个全面:全面数智化、全面国际化、全面对标、全面超越。
  • Mission

    Create value, benefit society.
  • Core value

    Focusing on Customers,

    Struggle Contributor Oriented,

    Ambitious and Passionate, Honest and Pragmatic,

    Pursuing Innovation and Excellence, self-reflective,

    Achieving Harmony and Win-Win.

  • Vision

    Co-build and share safe, green and better life.
  • Operation principle

    Enhancement of three combinations:combination of domestic market and international market, combination of product operation and capital operation, and combination of hard and soft power,

    Adhere to five orientations"customer-oriented, system-oriented, goal-oriented, problem-oriented and performance-oriented;

    Landing on four comprehensive: Comprehensive Digital Intelligence, Comprehensive Internationalization, Comprehensive Benchmarking and Comprehensive Surpassing

Create value,serve the society.
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